Monday, 30 December 2013

A FAQ Guide to All on 4 Implants, PART 3

Welcome back to our four-part article series on All on 4 implants. In this installment, the third of the series, we shall focus on some of the aesthetic and functional concerns patients frequently raise.
FAQ: Will I be able to eat normally with "All on 4" teeth?
Answer: Yes! In fact, All on 4 implants enable you to eat a much greater variety of foods than false teeth. Because your new teeth are supported by dental implants and not by the underlying gums, as is the case with dentures, you will be able to bite down with much greater force. This enables you to bite into foods that are tough, chewy, crunchy and fibrous and not just soft and processed. One of the greatest problems facing elderly denture-wearers is malnutrition. With All on 4 implants, you can eat all the foods you like.
FAQ: I hate the way my dentures make my mouth look. Does the All on 4 technique offer an improvement on appearance?
Answer: Dentures rely on their bulk to prevent them from moving around in your mouth when you eat and speak, although they only achieve this to a certain degree. Because of this bulk, they tend to push on the lips from inside the mouth, giving them a thin and stretched appearance. This doesn't make for very natural or flattering smile aesthetics! To make matters worse, when you're engaged in conversation, it is quite easy for the person to which you're talking to see your dentures moving around.

All on 4 implants support a fixed and non-removable prosthetic dental bridge which cannot shift around and fall out. Therefore, this bridge can be much slimmer in construction and so occupies less physical space in the mouth. This promotes far more natural and attractive smile aesthetics, while making eating and conversation a lot less of a struggle and an embarrassment!
FAQ: How do I clean my "All on 4" teeth?
Answer: The great thing about All on 4 implants and the dental bridge they support is that they don't require costly maintenance or fancy cleaning products. In fact, your new teeth are cared for just like natural teeth. Make sure you brush thoroughly twice a day and floss before you go to bed at night. Also, keep those regular appointments with your implant dentist so that he or she can keep a professional eye on your oral and implant health.
FAQ: If I've been determined a candidate for the All on 4 technique, is it guaranteed to work?
Answer: No, although with a success rate of over 95%, it is very close to guaranteed. One must remember that, as with any surgery, there is a risk that the desired outcomes may not be reached. Complicating factors can arise and while the surgery may have been successful, no implant dentist can guarantee a perfect, problem-free recovery. Always follow your surgeon's healthcare instructions and you will help maximize your chance of implant success.

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